Patience Is a Virtue, Right?

Just a quick update (mainly because I’m in need of a therapy session).

We have been working diligently towards getting pricing and information from the new builder since mid-January.  We took a factory visit last month and liked what we saw so wanted to continue the conversation and see where it went.  We were told that updated pricing would take 2 – 3 weeks to compile but that we should have no issue being at contract by the end of February.


Snowpocalypse happened burying the factory in 21 inches of snow and shutting them down for a week.   They finally sent the pricing early this week to the builder.


He caught a wicked strain of the flu and has been laid up in bed all week and unable to review what was sent for accuracy.

So here we are at the end of February with little information.  To their defense, these are both things that are completely out of everyone’s hands – it’s just frustrating to say the least.   In the meantime, we did receive garage pricing (which is still ALOT but better than where it was with Builder 1) but the figure is useless if we can’t add it to the full picture.

Our next update is set to happen next week so here’s hoping nothing get’s in our way!

If the pricing looks good, my hope is to back-track and introduce you to our new builder and give a review of the factory tour we took.  If we’re still in over our heads then I’ll cry, then update you on our next steps.   Stay tuned!  Things could get interesting (as if they haven’t been riveting already!)

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